Python :
DecompressionBombWarning : Image size (125798034 pixels) exceeds limit of 89478485 pixels,
could be decompression bomb DOS attack.
Atari ST TOS :
- 1 bomb: Reset, Initial PC2
- 2 bombs: Bus Error
- 3 bombs: Address Error
- 4 bombs: Illegal Instruction
- 5 bombs: Division by zero
- 6 bombs: CHK Instruction
- 7 bombs: TRAPV Instruction
- 8 bombs: Privilege Violation
- 9 bombs: Trace
- 10 bombs: Line 1010 Emulator
- 11 bombs: Line 1111 Emulator
- 12–13 bombs: Reserved
- 14 bombs: Format Error
- 15 bombs: Uninitialized Interrupt Vector
- 16–23 bombs: Reserved
- 24 bombs: Spurious Interrupt
- 25 bombs: Level 1 Interrupt Autovector
- 26 bombs: Level 2 Interrupt Autovector
- 27 bombs: Level 3 Interrupt Autovector
- 28 bombs: Level 4 Interrupt Autovector
- 29 bombs: Level 5 Interrupt Autovector
- 30 bombs: Level 6 Interrupt Autovector
- 31 bombs: Level 7 Interrupt Autovector
- 32–47 bombs: Trap Instruction Vectors
- 48–63 bombs: Reserved
- 64–255 bombs: User Interrupt Vectors[2]